Wednesday, June 16, 2010

First Essence matte polish in Zulu - matte, satin or what?

Hey, dear readers and followers:)

I'm sure you've seen this pretty already, right? This will be a rather short post, so let the pics speak for themselves;)

There are 2 coats in the pictures, and as the bottle says it'a a matte polish, but as you can see it's rather satin like than real matte effect. I also did a comparison with China glaze Matte magic to give the real matte finish.

What do you think of the colour and finish?

Thank you, dear readers and followers, have a nice and polished day:*

lightbox, artif.light, flash

no flash

comparison with matte magic on pinkie and middle finger, the difference is pretty obvious, do you agree??

All images are clickable:)
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  1. Ma ne moreš da verjameš! :) Jaz sem si ga dala pred par urami in ravno tako naredila primerjavo z mat nadlakom. Heh. No še dobro da sem nato naredila še sponge manikuro čez :)

  2. I do quite like that matte look...but after a few days it turns satinish...

  3. Helena, moj je že dosti bolj star, samo danes mi ga je uspelo objaviti:) super, komaj čakam slikce!hvala:*

    shortnails, yes, matte wears off very soon:) thanks:*

  4. Ojoj, zdaj sem pa prepričana, da si moram nabavit tega lepotca! :) Ne, res nima mat finiša, vendar me je vseeno očaral. Super primerjava z mat nadlakom! =D

  5. hvala:* je nekaj posebnega, a ne?:)

  6. I think all these weird polishes belong in "plastic" category.


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