Friday, August 20, 2010

Claire's Mood polish Calm/Wild swatch - pics heavy

Hello, dear readers and followers,

the long awaited swatches of first Claire's Mood polishes - Calm/Wild- are finally here. I got this beauty in my swap with Elizabeth from Lacquered lizard, Maria from R3 Daily, and Alisa from Polish Fiend.

There are 2 coats in the pictures over 1 coat of top coat the polish dries rather matte, so a top coat is good to be applied. Please do excuse so many pictures, I just could not resist taking so many, the polish is super fun to watch and play with :P I played around with my artificial light to get the polish warm, except in the last picture where my hands were warm after having a bath.

As I've seen on the web Claire's have released a new line of mood polishes, have you seen it already?

What are your favourites from the collection? Do you own any mood polish yourself?

Thank you, dear readers and followers, have a nice and polished Friday:*

no top coat: indoors, flash

no top coat, indoors, flash

with top coat, lightbox, artif. light, no flash

with top coat, lightbox, artif. light, flash

with top coat, lightbox, artif. light, flash

with top coat, lightbox, artif. light, flash

with top coat, lightbox, artif. light, flash

after taking a bath, my hands were really warm :) so this is how it normally looks

lightbox, artif. light, flash

in the process of changing colour

All images are clickable:)
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